St. Thomas Field Naturalist Club
Nurturing nature in Elgin.
On October 1st the Raptor counters viewing platform was officially opened. On hand were Eva Visscher, donors Karen and Eric Auzins, the man who put so many hours into seeing his vision to completion Bob Johnstone and Central Elgin Mayor Sally Martyn. The viewing platform consists of concrete anchor blocks all the way around and filled with packing chips and dust. The platform is elevated and protected with wooden railing. The entrance is graded for easy access.
There is an identification board beside the viewing stand designed by Eva Visscher who took the time from her university studies to enhance the site and allow people to see images of raptors they might be able to see flying overhead.
All Bob’s hard work would not have seen completion if not for the generous donation of Karen and Eric Auzins. The land owner Steve Ivan and Central Elgin with the help of mayor Sally Martyn. The stand should be around for many years and maybe assist in drawing new hawk counters to the location.
Joe Konecny of North Shore Beacon did a wonderful story on the opening. The same story also featured in the October 5th issue of the Aylmer Express.
Dave Brown, the official counter at Hawk Cliff Hawk Watch has a great article on the Hawk Cliff Hawk Watch here.
Many thanks to Bob for all the hard work.
Fellow members St. Thomas Field Naturalist Club.