75th Christmas Bird Count

With the snow fresh on the ground it is time to think about this years CBC.We will be holding it as usual on Boxing Day the 26th of December.The declining bird populations really make this citizen science project extremelyuseful in comparing declines and the…

2023 Christmas Bird Count Results

This year was a really warm CBC with a high of 10 degrees Celsius, we started the day with rain but it proceeded to get drier as the day progressed. All the water in our area was open, yet that did not help with…

2020 Christmas Bird Count Results

Results of St. Thomas Field Naturalist Club 2020 CBC held on Dec 26, 2020. Photograph of Trumpeter Swan taken at Port Stanley Sewage Lagoon by Diane Dobson. We had natures coat of snow to thank for our success this year. Birds were flocking to…

2016 Christmas Bird Count Results

The day was cut a little short by the heavy fog in afternoon. We had new species of Dunlin found on beach in Port Bruce and Black Vulture spotted on beach at Port Stanley during count week. We had new highs with Golden Eagle(3),…