Annual Hawk Cliff weekends start Saturday

The annual autumn migration of raptors has begun and the St Thomas Field Naturalist Club and the Hawk Cliff Raptor Banding Station Committee will be showing raptors at 11 am and 2 pm. Saturday and Sunday weekends of September 13, 14 and 20, 21st. The raptor banders will be bringing live birds for the public to see and hear pertinent specs about each species on display. Kestrel, Merlin, Sharp-shinned and Cooper’s hawks are most likely. Northwesterly winds will produce the most raptor sightings. The majority of birds ride the thermals and follow the northern shore of Lake Erie to cross at the Detroit River.
Ann and Bruce will be tagging and doing presentations on Monarch butterflies.
The club will have local nature books for sale. There is a portable washroom. Hawk Cliff Rd. is at the very end of Fairview Rd. (Regional Rd 22), the gravel road just south of Dexter Line. Take care parking, some areas have steep drop offs. The lands on either side of Hawk Cliff Rd. are private lands and the cliff face is eroding. For more information on hawk migration go to

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